You know what sucks? Not just sucks, but really, really sucks? Waking up late for work, getting ready quickly, and leaving knowing you will be five minutes late. Then you open the door to the outside and see that everything has been covered in a fine layer of white powdery snow. You wish to everything holy that you were still a kid and snow meant a free day of nothing but fun. But no, you are an adult, god damn it, and you must trudge on. So you climb the steep slope of ice from your front door to your frozen over car. You lower yourself inside the frigid interior, silently cursing Al Gore and thinking of PJ's recent post, put your keys in the ignition, and turn.
Rrrrrrer... rrrrrrer... rrrrrer... clickclickclickclick...
"Barbara Streisand."
Yes, I awoke to a dead battery this morning. If not for the jumper cables and my room mate, I would have had a free day of...
Son of a bitch.
I should have left the damn thing dead and gone back to sleep.
I sympathize with you, I have been there before. That feeling of utter frustration that raises your blood pressure creeps into your mind and one of your eyes twitch. Well, that is what happens with me. It also happens when you realize you don't have an ice scrapper and resort to using an old CD case instead. Good times, good times.
You've used an old CD case before too?!?!
Isn't that "B S" awfully strong language for a lady such as yourself?
Oh you know me and my wicked ways, love.
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