This summer I spent quite a bit of my time walking around my grandfather's tracts of land, thinking and exploring. It was a very stressful time for me, and those moments of peace really helped me and kept me sane.
While I was out running one day, down the gravel road between the horse fields, something dark stuck onto the barbed wire caught my eye. I slowed, and as I realized what it was, I thanked my lucky stars that I had my camera phone on me.
A june bug had flown directly into a barb on the fence. And I wondered, was it an accident, or an intent to kill itself like the birds that dive down towards your car as you are driving. What was so horrible and unbearable that this tiny bug felt his only solution was to end it, and end it so violently and completely? Perhaps it was a female with too many demanding eggs?
Or, like most people, the bug could have just been overwhelmingly stupid, and thus this death could qualify for entry into the Darwin Awards for his own species.
Whatever it was, the bug was dead and it made for a great picture!
Maybe it had some Sleepy Time Tea and veered out of its erratic flight plan impaling itself?
Stop mocking my tea man!
Apparently that species has yet to evolve into having a barb wire proof exoskeleton.
Apparently, but one day... just you wait... there will be June bugs bouncing off barb wires for fun. Just like humans off a padded wall...
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