Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pups and Kittens

Have you ever seen a chihuahua chase an American Staffordshire Terrier? And then watched those same two dogs, differing in more than 60 pounds, lay down together to sleep, with an orange cat curled at their backs.

My animals are fairly hilarious. I think the cat thinks its a dog, and the AmStaff thinks he's around 10 pounds, not 65.

But they are wonderful sleeping companions when my Patrick dear is out of town.


LAURE said...

a mi tambien me gusta dormir con mi gata. yo no tengo perro pero debe ser divertido verlos juntos

little star said...

good to hear your cats and dogs story . keep it up .good work

Michael- said...

Fantastic blog! Very heartfelt and personal…

I’m anthropologist currently doing a little study on the blogging culture, and your blog has a special interest for me. If you don’t mind dropping by my site and maybe participating in the study by answering 5 questions I’d be more that grateful.

If for nothing else, drop by the blog just to take a look...



Diego said...